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The eagle-eyed Knight-Judicator is an officer of Angelos Conclaves who wields the terrifying terminus greatbow, a gargantuan weapon that can fell the mightiest of foes from far across the battlefield.
This push-fit kit comprises 29 components, with which you can build three Praetors wearing Thunderstrike armour and sweeping cloaks, each armed with a soulguard's halberd. Each miniature can also be given a helmeted or unhelmeted head.
Chosen from the largest and strongest of the saurus to protect their slann masters, the Saurus Guard are a living shield that defiantly protects their ancient masters from harm.
Release date - 29 November
This set includes the following multipart plastic models: – 1x Scinari Cathallar – 5x Vanari Bladelords – 10x Vanari Auralan Wardens – 10x Vanari Auralan Sentinels
This multipart plastic kit builds the Lady of Vines, one of the Sylvaneth's mightiest warrior-generals, and daughter of Alarielle herself.
As deadly as they are graceful, the warlike aelves of the Daughters of Khaine seek to spill sacred torrents of blood in the name of their violent deity
A breed of forest spirit only recently-emerged into the ranks of the Sylvaneth
The lives of the Fyreslayers revolve around battle, for these grizzled duardin mercenaries will fight on behalf of any who meet their price in gold
The Knight-Relictor is an austere guardian of the Sepulchral Temple of the Ages.